This week in class we discussed our collaborative research project in depth. For some strange reason, this week is really the first time I’m able to understand the overall assignment. Drew said that it would make more sense to us as we went along, and he’s right, but I am not sure that was the issue. I assume that I’m not the only one feeling this way because I read other groups websites about 2 weeks ago and no one was presenting their information in an argument format. I checked other groups’ websites again on Tuesday and they have not changed too much. I know that I personally spent about 20 hours reading and researching and another 20 using a word document to organize and write my piece and at least 8 hours posting and editing my stuff on our group website. I may have spent more time than that but did not keep track. Regardless, I am feeling overwhelmed and frustrated because I still feel like I could put in another 20 to 40 hours re-writing it to present more of an argument and adding all the video clips and pictures that I want to add. I am gonna have a very busy weekend.

During class we also talked about our previous assignments and the crazy part is that I remember feeling overwhelmed and stressed out over those assignments at the time. I realize that if I had to go back and redo them, I’d not only be able to complete them faster, I’d also be less stressed over them too. How are you feeling about this assignment, our previous assignments or any other points I’ve been trying to make?